Creative Ideas Inspired by 1821: Creating our own stories

Creative Ideas Inspired by 1821: Creating our own stories

The Department of Greek Education will be offering a webinar,The webinar is presented by, The Museum of School Life and Education (Μουσείο Σχολικής Ζωής και Εκπαίδευσης).

Utilizing books written for children and young adults about the Revolution of 1821, as well as historical sites, monuments, information contained in textbooks and other sources of information, children can create their own stories using the deck of fairy tales. The creation of the story can also occur through historical walks, specialized "treasure hunts" or "mystery walks", where children gather various elements.

The seminar will present these techniques, which have been tested in their entirety in programs implemented by the Museum of School Life and Education for other institutions and schools. At the same time, the way a writer works in order to move from the historical event to fiction, a technique that can inspire students as well. The goal is the experiential knowledge of the story, which, when achieved in this way, proves to be extremely effective, leading the children to both research and creative use of the knowledge they have acquired.

Speaker: Costas Stoforos, Author-Journalist-Collaborator of The Museum of School Life and Education

The presentation will be made through the Zoom platform -

Meeting ID: 842 5747 7500

You can also watch it live through their YouTube Channel:


Event Details

maj 15, 2021

1:00 PM ET


Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis