Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: Panel Discussion, “Dance in Revolutionary Rhythms”

Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: Panel Discussion, “Dance in Revolutionary Rhythms”

1821–2021 CHS Initiatives in Greece and in the US

On the occasion of the celebration of the 200 years (1821–2021) since the Greek war of independence against the Ottoman Empire, Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS) happily announces a series of activities that will be organized in 2020–2021 to honor the important anniversary. Part of these initiatives is the Events Series 2021 program entitled, "The Revolutionary Landscape of 1821-Environmental Aesthetics and Politics".


The Dance in Revolutionary Rhythms

Moderator: Evangelos Katsarelis, Programs and Events Manager at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, Harvard University

o   Vasso Barboussi, Professor Emerita Department of Theater Studies at the University of Peloponnese, on the topic of: "The Dancing Body as a Revolutionary Act"

o   Christos Papakostas, Assistant Professor of Greek Traditional Dance at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & Coordinator of the Thematic Unit "Public and Private Life in Greece II: Modern Times" at the Hellenic Open University, on the topic of: "Philhellenic Choreographies. Travel Projections and Representations"

o   Irene Loutzaki, Dance Anthropologist) on the topic of: "The Dance of Zalongos, a Legend with Great Endurance"


The event will feature a band that will perform live traditional songs.

Language: Greek

Aegis of: Municipality of Nafplio

Registration: To receive invitations and announcements about events you can subscribe to the CHS Greece mailing list.  


Event Details

Nisan 23, 2021

12:00 PM ET


E. Katsarelis