Archived Events
December 2021
December 18 - December 19
A Tribute to the Philhellene Women and the “1826 Pittsburgh Greek Relief Philhellene Committee”.
Virtual -
December 11
Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, Ταινία
November 2021
November 18
Archdiocesan Concert at St. John the Theologian Cathedral
Celebration -
November 10
21 Speeches for the 21: The Heros of 1821: From Painting and Engraving to Sculpture
Virtual -
November 7
Arkadi - Alamo - The Stars of Freedom
Virtual -
November 3
21 Speeches for the 21: The Songs of the Struggle (Agona)
October 2021
October 28
The First Celebration of 25th of March in the Occupied Greece
Virtual -
October 13
21 Speeches for the 21: Telling the Revolution of 1821: Historical Figures and Institutions
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October 6
21 Speeches for the 21: Political Legacies of '21
September 2021
September 24
Greek Independence Day Program – Saint George Cathedral Doxology and Presentation
Religious Ceremony -
September 24
Greek Independence Day Program & Proclamation at the State Capitol
Parade -
September 24
Greek Independence Day Conference
Conference -
September 24 - September 26
Opening of "K. Sarantopoulos-Arcadia" Library Room Collection for Greek Independence Day only Books, Opening of "Pontos" Library Room Collection of books for Pontos and Minor Asia
Celebration -
September 18
Η Επανάσταση στη Μακεδονία και ο Ε. Παππάς
August 2021
August 21
Το Ελληνικό Ναυτικό του Αγώνα/Greek Mariners in the Freedom Struggle
July 2021
July 25 - July 31
AHEPA Family Supreme Convention
Conference -
July 11
Hymnologic Encomium & Poetic Tribute to the Martyrs, Pt. 3
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July 10
Hymnologic Encomium & Poetic Tribute to the Martyrs, Pt. 2
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July 9
Hymnologic & Encomium and also Poetic Tribute to the Martyrs, Pt. 1
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July 8
Letters from Cyprus
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July 7
Cypriots in the Revolution of 1821
June 2021
June 26
The Island of Chios During the Greek Revolution
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June 24
Rigas Feraios
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June 23 - June 25
Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: “Nafplio and Argolis during the Revolution of 1821: The Local and the Global”
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June 9
Zoe Caloyera Distinguished Lecture and Recognition Award
May 2021
May 30
From Athens to Constantinople and back to Athens again
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May 29
1453-1821: From the Fall of Constantinople to the Renaissance of Hellenism
Conference -
May 27
Revolutionary Lives: Re-Invented Selves During the Greek Revolution of 1821
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May 26
Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: Panel Discussion, “Interpretations of the Greek Landscape”
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May 26
21 Speeches for the 21: Ottoman Rections to the Greek Revolution: The Ottoman Souces
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May 22
80th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete
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May 20
1821 – 2021 200 Years The Hellenic Revolution of 1821 as an apocalypse of its late Hellenic Heritage Genesis and Eternal Continuance
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May 19
The Place of The Greek Revolution in Today’s Greek Identity Webinar
May 19
21 Speeches for the 21, The Two Sister Countries: Italian Philhellenism and the Greek Revolution
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May 18
Webinar: Greek Cinema: At Home and in the US
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May 16
Philhellenism Through the Ages: Four Conversations in Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821
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May 15
Creative Ideas Inspired by 1821: Creating our own stories
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May 15
The Greek Revolution of 1821 - Overview for young Greek Americans
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May 12
21 Speeches for the 21, The Beginnings of Parliamentarism in the Constitutions of the Struggle
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May 11
Webinar: Why We Shout 'OPA!' and Spit at Newborns: The Strange and Wonderful Rituals of Greeks
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May 8
The Bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence: Greek Democracy and Western Liberalism
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May 6
Gala 2021: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens’ Virtual Gala
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May 4
Webinar: The Impact of the Greek Revolution on the Universal Character of Greek Orthodoxy
April 2021
April 27
Webinar: Not Just Zorba the Greek: Greek-born Composers of Classical Music
Virtual -
April 25
The Philhellenic movement in the USA in the era of the Greek Revolution
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April 25
“Faith in Freedom” Video Series: Episode 2
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April 24
1821 – 2021 200 Years The Hellenic Revolution of 1821 as an apocalypse of its late Hellenic Heritage Genesis and Eternal Continuance
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April 24
SPGH 1821-2021 series, a panel discussion on Greek history with Professors Anthony Kaldellis and Roderick Beaton
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April 23
Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: Panel Discussion, “Dance in Revolutionary Rhythms”
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April 21
21 Speeches for the 21: The Path to the War of Independence
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April 21
Symphony of Levendia (Valor)
VirtualCelebration -
April 20
Webinar: The Impact of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the Ecological Movement
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April 17
AHEPA District 21: The Greek Orthodox Church in America A Modern History
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April 17
The Narrative of 1821 Through Old Textbooks: Working with Digital Tools
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April 17
1821-2021 200 Years After The Revolution - The Orthodox Church and the Greek Revolution
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April 17
Odysseus Elytis: The Poet as Philosopher
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April 14
The Contribution of Women to the Greek Independence 1821
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April 14
21 Speeches for the 21: The Anti-Patriots Want to be Exterminated": The Attitude of the Newspapers During the Civil War (1824-1825)
Virtual -
April 14
AHI Annual "A Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day"
Virtual -
April 13
Webinar: Exclusion & Embrace: A Brief Survey of the History of Orthodox Christian Relations with Other Religions and What it Means for Modern Ecumenism and Pluralism
Virtual -
April 11
Philhellenism Through the Ages: Four Conversations in Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821
Virtual -
April 10
Fighters and Victims: Women’s Lives during the Greek Revolution
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April 10
Φώς | Fos The First Virtual Tour of the Acropolis Museum
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April 8
Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence with a presentation on "America and Hellas: A History Forged during the Hellenic Revolution 1821”
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April 6
Webinar: From Athena to Zeus: Greek Mythology in Classical Music
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April 3
Η Καταστροφή της Χίου και των Ψαρών και η Απήχησή της στις ΗΠΑ
Virtual -
April 3
The Greek Revolution in the Age of Revolution
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April 3
How can we teach the Greek Revolution of 1821 in the classroom?
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April 1
Nashville Recognizes the Greek Bicentennial LIVE From the American Parthenon
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April 1
Tennessee State Proclamation Ceremony
Celebration -
April 1 - April 29
The Ludlow Massacre & the History of Eastern European Immigrants in Colorado
March 2021
April 11
The Effects of the Hellenic Revolution on Medicine, Health & Wellness in Greece, America, and Europe” Panel Discussion
Virtual -
April 7
21 Speeches for the 21: The Concept of “Death” in the Greek Revolution (1821-1832)
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March 31
Hellenic Heroes: The Impact of Women on the Greek Revolution From the Heroics of Laskarina Bouboulina to the Solemn Sacrifice of the Souliotises
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March 31
21 Speeches for the 21: Action and Role of the Navy in the Revolution of ‘21
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March 31 - May 19
Indomitable Greece: Travel, History, Culture, and Impact
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March 30
Greek Independence Day Program – 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution – Οι ‘Ήρωες του 1821 εμπνέουν τους ανθρώπους σήμερα
Virtual -
March 30
Webinar: The Impact of Greece (Ελλας) on Modern Civilization Etymology (Ετυμολογια)
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March 30 - May 18
The Threshold of Democracy: Athens in 403BCE – Exploring Ancient Greece Through Role-play
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March 29 - May 17
Manifesting Your Memoir: Capturing the Stories and Images of Your Life
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March 28
Prometheus Resurrected: The London Protocols- Celebrating the friendship of France, Great Britain, Russia, and Greece in the Rise of the Modern Greek Nation through the London Protocols of 1827-1830
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March 28
Greek Independence Day Program at the Metropolis of Atlanta
Celebration -
March 28
The Legacy of Greece: Reflections on the 200th Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence
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March 27
Bridges of White and Blue: A Commemoration and Celebration of the Descendants in Western PA of the Lesser-Known Revolutionary Heroes
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March 27
Exodos 1826: A Road of No Return - Movie
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March 27
200 Anniversary of the Greek War for Independence of 1821 – A Virtual Celebration
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March 27
The Crucial Role of the Epirotans in the Greek Independence War of 1821
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March 27
New Jersey Greek Independence Day Celebration and Flag Raising New Jersey
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March 26
Greek Independence Day Proclamation in the City of Troy, Michigan
Celebration -
March 25
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for the Feast Day of the Annunciation and the Celebration of March 25 Greek Independence Day
Religious Ceremony -
March 25
San Francisco to Honor 200th Anniversary of Greek War of Independence
Celebration -
March 25
A New Hope – The Feast of the Annunciation
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March 25
In the Beginning was the Logos and the Logos became Flesh: A Byzantine Concert-Presentation Celebrating the Unparalleled Christologic Canon of the "Annunciation Dialogue"
Virtual -
March 25
We Are All Greeks: America and Greek Revolution with Dr. Angelo Repousis
Virtual -
March 25
"The Miracle of 1821" Celebrating the Bicentennial of Greece's Independence
Virtual -
March 25
Virtual Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence
Virtual -
March 25
St. Photios Shrine - Hail, Oh Hail, Liberty! A Bicentennial Celebration of Greek Independence: 1821-2021
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March 25
Utah Greeks To Present Citizens of Utah With a Commemorative Flag
Celebration -
March 25 - March 26
George Washington Memorial in Alexandria, VA to be lit with Blue and White for Greek Independence Day
Celebration -
March 25
Greek Independence Day Program in Tarpon Springs, FL
Celebration -
March 25
Ιστορικός Περίπατος στο Μεσολόγγι / A Memorial Walk in the Bastions of Missolonghi
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March 25
Archdiocesan Doxology in Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution
Religious Ceremony -
March 25
Live Stream Parade in Celebration of Greek Independence Day - Astoria
VirtualParade -
March 25
Saint Photios Shrine Celebrates Greek Bicentennial
VirtualReligious Ceremony -
March 25
Flag Raising in Commemoration of Greece’s Bicentennial -Wilmington, DE
VirtualCelebration -
March 25
The Tampa Museum of Arts Presents "Opa! A Celebration of Greek Independence"
Virtual -
March 25
Michigan State Senate Greek Independence Day Proclamation
Celebration -
March 25
Sacramento to Light Up Blue and White on March 25
Celebration -
March 25
AHEPA Schedule of Events for Greek Independence Day
March 25
Celebration -
March 25
Virtual Entrepreneurship Mentorship Project Builds Bridge between USA and Greece in honor of Greece’s Bicentennial
March 25
Hymn to Liberty (Υμνος εις την Ελευθερίαν ) Video
Virtual -
March 25
State of Illinois Proclamation for Greek Independence Day
March 25
Funeral Oration of Pericles Brought to Life in Honor of Greek Independence Day
VirtualCelebration -
March 25
PanHellenic Alumni Celebrate the Bicentennial
VirtualCelebration -
March 24
1821 and Its American Connection - Presented by Archon Dr. Stamatios Kartalopoulos
Virtual -
March 24
Great Vespers for the Feast Day of the Annunciation
Religious Ceremony -
March 24
Grexit: Then and Now with Mark Sobel and Danae Kyriakopoulou
Virtual -
March 23
Greece and the Church: The Presentation of Faith with His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver and Fr. Christopulos
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March 22
Dr. Maria Efthymiou - Q & A on the 200 Year Commemoration of the Greek Independence
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March 21
Greek Independence Day Commemoration at the Statue of Demetrius Ypsilanti
Celebration -
March 21
Giannis Davaris – A Revolutionary Hero at the Acropolis
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March 21
GOA Office of Greek Education - The 200th Year Anniversary of the Greek Revolution
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March 20
First Principles: What America's Founders Learned from the Greeks and How That Shaped Our Country-A Conversation with the Scholar and Best-Seller Author, Thomas E. Ricks
Virtual -
March 20
200 Years Since the Uprising of March 25th, 1821 and our National Independence- Sokratis Sourvinos, Consul General of Greece in San Francisco
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March 20
In the Footsteps of the Americas: The Greek Revolution of 1821 and its Place in World History
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March 20
Routes to 1821: Traveling Through Space and Time
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March 20
Proclamation and Flag Raising at City Hall – Nashua, NH
Celebration -
March 19
Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Twelfth International Graduate Student Conference In Modern Greek Studies "Works in Progress: New Approaches"
Virtual -
March 19
Curating Greek Independence: Ioulia-Pentazou, Alexandros Teneketzis, and Konstantina Zanou
Virtual -
March 19 - March 28
Hellenic Film Society USA Celebrates 200 Years of Greek Independence With Eight Features Inspired by Greek History Through the Ages
Virtual -
March 18
Who Represents the Hellenic Diaspora? : SAE and Current Hellenic Republic Legislation” Panel Discussion
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March 18 - March 19
The United States and the Greek War of Independence 1821
Virtual -
March 18
Commemoration at Global Headquarters
Celebration -
March 17
Greece's 1821 & America: A Message of Freedom
Virtual -
March 17
Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece Harvard University: Panel Discussion, "European Liberalism and the Greek War of Independence"
Virtual -
March 17
21 Speeches for the 21: Event diagram of an ambiguous match. The Greek troops and the land battles
Virtual -
March 17
Greek Independence Day Proclamation in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Celebration -
March 14
From the Partimenti to the National Anthem: First-in-History, Public Performance
Virtual -
March 14
Philhellenism Through the Ages: Four Conversations in Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821
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March 13
Public Unveiling of Correspondence between the Greek Revolutionaries and the American Founding Fathers on the Matter of the Greek Revolution
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March 13
Dept. of Greek Ed: The 200th Year Anniversary of the Greek Revolution
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March 13
An Introduction to a Heroine of the Greek Revolution and Her Context: Views from the Bouboulina Museum
Virtual -
March 13
AHEPA performs Greek Bicentennial Reenactment of the Greek Ball of New York
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March 11
The Revolution of Tomorrow: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Society
Virtual -
March 7
The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 3)
Virtual -
March 7
The Contribution of the Church of Pontos to the Struggle of 1821 and the Role of the Stavropegial Monasteries during the Ottoman Empire
Virtual -
March 7
The Legacy of the Hellenic Diaspora in the Hellenic Revolution of 1821” Panel Discussion
Virtual -
March 6
The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 2)
Virtual -
March 6
Using Art to Teach Students about the Greek Revolution
Virtual -
March 6
AHEPA commemorates Philhellene John M. Allen in Annapolis for his efforts in Greek War of Independence
Celebration -
March 5
The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 1)
Virtual -
March 3
Reflections on 1821: A Discussion with Prof. Mark Mazower
Virtual -
March 3
21 Speeches for the 21: The Φιλική Εταιρεία (Friendly Society) and the Outbreak of the Greek Revolution
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March 1
Celebration of, and Tribute to Greek-Americans of Western PA and the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821 in Western PA
February 2021
February 27 - February 28
AHEPA Kicks-off Greece's Bicentennial Celebration by Paying Homage to American Philhellene
Celebration -
February 26
On Nature: From the Ionian ‘Physiologists’ to Contemporary Ecology
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February 20
Webinar: 21 in Art. The contribution to the movement of Philhellenism
Virtual -
February 7
Philhellenism Through the Ages: Four Conversations in Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821